Saturday, October 22, 2005 - U.S. & World - U.N. Procurement Scandal: Ties to Saddam and Al Qaeda - U.S. & World - U.N. Procurement Scandal: Ties to Saddam and Al Qaeda

Things just get more and more interesting. A number of interconnected companies with Al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, Russian Mafia, etc. connections turn out to have been on the U.N.'s list of procurement vendors. Money seems to have been flowing in all directions, including at least a million in bribes from the Oil for Food program. One company was blacklisted awhile back by both the U.S. and the U.N., but then later became the middle eastern agent for the primary company discussed. It is no longer blacklisted for funneling money to terrorists by the U.N., but is by the U.S. in Iraq. Yet, it was doing procurement business with the U.N.

And the liberals wondered why it was so important to get John Bolton to the U.N. The place just stinks more and more of corruption as time goes on.


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