Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Spam Spam

Unbelievable. I have probably gotten 60 or so spam email messages in the last 24 hours. I must be getting at least one notice a day that I need to sign onto either Ebay or PayPal and give them my account information so that I can reactivate my (nonexistant) account with them. I probably get another 2 or 3 a week from other banks, where I also don't have accounts.

Probably even more common though are all my chances to get male performance enhancement drugs without the necessity of actually seeing a doctor, or, really, even of having the FDA approve the drugs.

It must work. But I sure don't see how. I would be frankly embarassed if I sent someone an email asking them for their banking information so I could clean out their checking account. But, I will get the same exact email from two or three people at the same time kindly making this offer to me.

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9:43 PM  

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