Thursday, October 20, 2005

Malkin and Internment (rebuttal) Malkin and Internment (rebuttal)

In one of the few legitimate comments I have received on this blog, Ahistoricality in a comment to my previous post concerning Micelle Malkin's book on Japanese Internment has pointed out that much of what is in that book has been fairly effectively debunked in a series of posts on
Malkin does a lot more than "overplay her hand": she's taking material out of context, she's overinterpreting things, and she's plain made stuff up on occassion. The reviewer you cite is bending over backwards to avoid invalidating her entire argument, but ultimately even as friendly a venue as the Claremont folks can't say she's written a good history with a straight face. Try this for more detail. [BEH - highly suggested reading]

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