Sunday, August 05, 2007

Undercover Reporter Outed, Flees DefCon Conference Undercover Reporter Outed, Flees DefCon Conference

PC WorldUndercover Reporter Outed, Flees DefCon Conference.
DefCon organizer Jeff Moss called out Michelle Madigan, an Associate Producer for NBC-Universal, from stage during the "Tactical Exploitation" session.
He said:
"It came to our attention that a reporter might be here with a hidden pinhole camera," Moss told the crowd, which he said left two options. One was to let her corner some 13-year-old kid and get him to admit to hacking. The other was to escort her away.
As Glen Reynolds points out at
YOU DON'T TUG ON SUPERMAN'S CAPE, and you don't spy on hackers unless you're, you know, actually good at it
I find the whole thing quite humorous. This lady was obviously out of her league, and got called for it.


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