Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hillary may have to hide her brothers Hillary may have to hide her brothers

Canada Free Press article: Hillary may have to hide her brothers reminds us that Hillary has family problems herself, in the guise of her brothers and her husband's brother. The Rodham boys were instrumental in gaining pardons for various nefarious criminals shortly before their brother-in-law left office, thereby gaining them nice bonuses. It should be interesting.

My biggest problem with Mrs. Clinton all along has been her crass venality. I have often noted in the past that when a Clinton scandal erupted, if it involved sex, Bill was the one involved, but if it involved either money or abuse of power (other than to get sex), it involved Hillary. Her brothers seem to be cut from the same cloth. The problem is that if she is elected president, we will have three Rodhams in or around the White House, plus her husband's as corrupt, but less adroit, brother.


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