Sunday, August 20, 2006

Making docs available on web site Making docs available on web site

I finally got around to making some documents available on my web site. It turned out to be very easy.
  1. I created a new directory under my public HTML directory ("docs")
  2. I loaded the files to be made available in this diretory using FTP, just as I do to update the web site itself, except I put them in the new directory.
  3. I put "" in the address window of Mozilla, and clicking on it, got a list of the documents in that directory.
  4. Then, I could right click on each document in the directory, and copy its URL to the clipboard.
  5. Which could be inserted, as usual, into the post I was creating, by selecting the text for the link, hitting the "Link" button, and copying the URL from the clipboard into the URL location in provided.


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