Thursday, August 17, 2006

Volokh Conspiracy on Taylor TSP opinion Volokh Conspiracy on Taylor TSP opinion

So far, these are the blog entries at for discussion about today's NSA TSP opinion by Judge Taylor:

  1. Federal District Court Decision Striking Down NSA Eavesdropping Program

  2. The NSA Eavesdropping Opinion and the Fourth Amendment

  3. The NSA Eavesdropping Opinion and the First Amendment

  4. The NSA Eavesdropping Opinion, the FISA Claims, and the Separation of Powers / Inherent Power Claims

  5. Jack Balkin on the Eavesdropping Opinion

  6. The NSA Domestic Surveillance Program Opinion

  7. The Fourth Amendment and the NSA Domestic Surveillance Opinion

  8. The NSA Eavesdropping Opinion and Standing

  9. Lower Court Opinions Are Briefs to Higher Courts

  10. Question About the Original Meaning of 4th Amendment

  11. Originalism and the Fourth Amendment

  12. Washington Post Editorial on the NSA Eavesdropping Decision

  13. The New York Times Praises the NSA Eavesdropping Decision

  14. Hardly a "Hard-Left" Position

  15. Should We Care About The Reasoning In Judge Taylor's Opinion?

  16. NY Times article on NSA wiretapping quotes bloggers

  17. A Question about FISA and Injunctive Relief

  18. What will the Sixth Circuit Do on Appeal in the NSA Surveillance Case?

  19. More on the NSA Domestic Surveillance Case and Its Chances on Appeal

  20. Ann Althouse on the NSA Case in the NY Times


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