Wednesday, May 31, 2006

How Bad Is Iraq? How Bad Is Iraq?

Powerlineblog asks"How Bad Is Iraq?", as does Gateway Pundit in an article titled: "So, How Bad Are Things in Iraq Really?". The answer that both come to is that the reality in Iraq is far, far, different than most people here in the U.S. believe. For example, the last war in which the KIA/month was comparable was our Revolutionary War.


10:50 AM Display: Full / Chopped / Footer

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to a right-wing pundit in the pro-war Wall Street Journal, you are a complete idiot:

The figure for Iraq, then, is not the "violent death rate"; it is only the rate of violent death from war. (The equivalent figure for the other countries and cities presumably would be zero.) To arrive at a "violent death rate" for Iraq, we would to add in the civil homicide rate...

Furthermore, even if war deaths in Iraq vs. civil homicides elsewhere were a valid comparison, the King figures are a lowball estimate of the former. That's because the numerator--the number of Iraqi "civilian" deaths--excludes soldiers and policemen. But civil homicide rates do include policemen and soldiers murdered in the line of duty--as several hundred of them were on 9/11.

In addition, the comparison with U.S. cities poses a problem of scale. Just as some municipalities here have high concentrations of crime, Baghdad and some other Iraqi cities have high concentrations of military, guerrilla and terrorist activity. A comparison of Baghdad with Los Angeles or a similarly sprawling U.S. city would be more enlightening than a comparison of Iraq as a whole with cities of well under a million people.

5:53 PM  
Blogger Bruce Hayden said...

Well, I guess commenting as "anonymous" gives you free rein to be obnoxious about your views. You do make some good points - you just detract from them by the way you make them.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested or and

6:40 PM  

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