Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Don't Trust If They Won't Verify Don't Trust If They Won't Verify

Intentionally really bad job of photoediting by Ray Patnaude of TCS:

He said (quoted in Powerline):
Thanks for the kind words about my illustration for Glenn’s article today. That image, like all illustrations at TCS Daily are done by me- Ray Patnaude, Art Director for TCS (except when I am on vacation and such). I’m glad you liked it, it was a fun challenge to try to deliberately do *really*, comically bad Photoshop, leaving stray pixels everywhere, and sloppy cutout lines. I am particularly proud of the checkered Photoshop background visible behind some replicated smoke. And of course Mickey’s pose perfectly mocks Professional House-Got-Knocked-Down Woman’s.
Article Ray is talking about is by Glen Reynolds at TCS Daily titled: Don't Trust If They Won't Verify and it takes the MSM to task for being complicit in the Lebanon fauxtography.


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