Monday, August 14, 2006

Guardian: Bush's belief in a worldwide Islamist conspiracy is foolish and dangerous Guardian: Bush's belief in a worldwide Islamist conspiracy is foolish and dangerous

Guardian article by Max Hastings: Bush's belief in a worldwide Islamist conspiracy is foolish and dangerous has some interesting points, but is, at least to me, unpersuasive. His solution essentially is to listen to the various bands of terrorists, answer their concerns, and that will end terrorism. I consider that, at a minimum, utopian. I also find fault in his suggestion that the root cause of Islamic terrorism aimed at the U.S. is failed colonial policies, since if that were true, the object of such terrorism would be the former colonial powers, and not the U.S. or Israel. Probably more interesting than the article however are the comments. A majority seem to support Hastings, but there are plenty who take him to task.


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