Saturday, June 09, 2007

Journalists, You're in the Army Now Journalists, You're in the Army Now

TCS Daily: Journalists, You're in the Army Now
The days of the independent, neutral war correspondent, objectively reporting from a war's front lines, are quickly coming to an end. In the future, a war correspondent will either effectively be a soldier for one faction of a conflict, or he will literally not survive in the war zone.
In this war, the only way that journalists can safely survive is by being protected by the military. The journalists who embed with our troops are fine, it is just the ones who try to go it alone.

What the article doesn't address is that our enemies are using captive journalists much more effectively than we are. What is worse, is that much of what these captive journalists generate in the way of news, film, etc. is being relayed to the MSM with little questioning of its accuracy.

So, in the end, we have journalists being advocates for one side or another, which is fine, just as long as everyone knows the score.


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