Fred Thompson talks about a Federalist solution to malpractice abuse in Texas Fred Thompson talks about a Federalist solution to malpractice abuse in Texas
I am betting that one subject that John Edwards would not want to debate: Fred Thompson talks about a Federalist solution to malpractice abuse in Texas. In short, Texas was losing doctors fast. In response, they passed an initiative that capped non-economic damages in malpractice suits. And, voila, the legislature has had to allocate more money to process all the doctors trying to open up shop in Texas.
Edwards, of course, got rich (today, I saw that his net worth was around $30 million) by exactly this - winning pain and suffering verdicts against doctors, using what turned out to be junk science. What was worse, was that his primary target were the ob/gyns who performed vaginal deliveries. And, no surprise, the biggest backers of Edwards are the plaintiffs' contingency fee tort lawyers, including those who litigate medical malpractice cases.
Of course, we can all dream about an Edwards/ Thompson debate, where Edwards tries to talk about his "two Americas", and Thompson about malpractice reform.
Edwards, of course, got rich (today, I saw that his net worth was around $30 million) by exactly this - winning pain and suffering verdicts against doctors, using what turned out to be junk science. What was worse, was that his primary target were the ob/gyns who performed vaginal deliveries. And, no surprise, the biggest backers of Edwards are the plaintiffs' contingency fee tort lawyers, including those who litigate medical malpractice cases.
Of course, we can all dream about an Edwards/ Thompson debate, where Edwards tries to talk about his "two Americas", and Thompson about malpractice reform.
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