Friday, June 22, 2007

Fred File: the link between tax cuts and our children's well-being Fred File: the link between tax cuts and our children's well-being

Fred Thompson writes about the link between tax cuts and our children's well-being:
Since 1993, according to Justice Department statistics, the juvenile homicide rate was cut in half. For kids between the ages of 14 and 17, the reduction was even greater. The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System shows child abuse declined by 43 percent and childhood sexual abuse by almost half. Sexual assaults against adolescents dropped by more than two thirds and aggravated assaults by almost 75 percent.

This is dramatically good news, especially for children and their parents. And the reasons behind these improvements in the lives of American children are linked to economic growth. With increased revenues on a state and local level, more police were hired. Financially healthy families took their children to doctors more often, who were more likely to prescribe medications and other treatments. The study even pointed out that increased financial health reduces family tensions and produces happier children -- less prone to problem behaviors.

The irony is that we got these improvements in our children’s lives from a strong economy driven by tax cuts. Now we're being told that tax cuts have to end, so that the government can tax us and spend the money on programs to accomplish what Americans already did for themselves. And they did it far better than any bureaucracy ever could.
Sen. Thompson has a decent chance at the Republican nomination because he is saying what should be said to combat the Democrats running Congress right now. Most of their ideas are brain-dead, and they likely know it. But they throw them out, believing that the American people can either be bought off, or are dumb enough to believe them. Thus, despite all the evidence to the contrary, they insist that we need to raise taxes in order to balance the budget. But as always, they use "static analysis", which has been repeatedly discredited. They use it because their goal is to raise taxes, in order to fund more government programs, and have no real interest in helping the American public.

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