Thursday, March 22, 2007

By the Way: We're Not Losing By the Way: We're Not Losing

Austin Bay in TCS Daily: By the Way: We're Not Losing points out what should be obvious.
The chattering class nostrum that Free Iraq and its coalition allies have "lost the Iraq war" is so blatantly wrong it would be a source of laughter were human life and hope-inspiring liberty not at such terrible risk.

In terms of fundamental historical changes favoring 21st century freedom and peace, what Free Iraq and its Coalition allies have accomplished in four short years is nothing short of astonishing.
The author then points out that:
In January 2003, I argued that toppling Saddam's tyranny in Iraq would do two things: begin the process of fostering political choice (democracy) in the Middle East and bring al-Qaida onto a battlefield not of its choosing. Moreover, that battlefield would be largely manned by Muslim allies, exposing the great fractures within Islam and the Middle East that al-Qaida's strategists tried to mask by portraying America as "the enemy."
And, indeed, both have happened. Of course, Iraq has had three successful elections. But also note that Sunni Arab Anbar tribesmen have even joined the fight against al Qaeda.


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