Saturday, November 25, 2006

Novak: Inside Report: Nancy's Choice Novak: Inside Report: Nancy's Choice

Robert Novak in: Inside Report: Nancy's Choice makes some interesting observations about the direction of the Democrats under Speaker Pelosi. One is that a lot in the CIA would prefer impeached federal judge Hastings to Harman as chair of the Intelligence committee. Another is that they may actually push for cleaning up the chamber. While he makes a good point that the Democrats picked up a lot of seats through the appearance of Republican corruption, he ignores that the Democrats have traditionally been more corrupt, and that their dirty members are not only still in Congress, but have a lot of seniority - for example, Murtha and Hastings. Indeed, part of Pelosi's problems right now stem from her pushing Jefferson off of Appropriations after he was caught taking $100 in bribes by the FBI. The CBC wants Hastings as Intelligence Chair in trade for that - and Jefferson is still in Congress.


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