Monday, July 10, 2006

Gitmo detainees appear to be using atty/client privilege to bypass security Gitmo detainees appear to be using atty/client privilege to bypass security

According to a WaPo article titled: Signs of Detainees' Planning Alleged, there appears to be a real possibility that the three recent suicides at GitMo were coordinated through abuse of the attorney/client privilege, and that this privilege may have been used by detainees there to hide information from their jailers and to pass it among them.

This is not a good thing. There have always been a small number of attorneys who have done this sort of thing in the civilian world. But there, the societal cost of this is outweighed by the good that the right to counsel provides. But here, we are talking people who are devoted to the destruction of our country, and will use anything at their disposal to accomplish that. And, because of that, the scales have to come down on the other side. This means that if what the article alleges turns out to be true, then the military at GitMo, etc., will justifiably be able to make significant intrusions into this privilege.


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