Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Metaphysics, Science, Homosexuality (#2) Metaphysics, Science, Homosexuality (#2)

I did a Google search after my previous post on some of the possible causes of homosexuality, and found some interesting articles that would tend to support John Derbyshire's #10 and #13, and my #14 womb effects.

"Hormones and Sexual Behavior" talks about different hormones and how they affect brain development. Michael Fairchilds' Rock Prophecy: "Evidence of Herd Thinners" mentions some interesting studies, for example that in utero war stress seemed to increase male homosexuality and that homosexual behavior can be increased in male rats by subjecting their mothers to prenatal stress. It also posits a plausible mechanism for this - that a stress related hormone, androstendione, is structurally similar to testosterone, and may as a result bind in its place (the next article implicates cortisol instead - and I don't know enough biochemistry to sort this out). I should note that this later article mentions "The Red Queen" as his source for the in utero war stress theory, and that is probably my source too - as I do have that book and have read it a couple of times.

On the other hand, an article titled: Homosexuality and Neoteny; Are Homosexuals Maturationally Delayed? suggests that part of the cause for homosexuality may be maturational delay. Part of the theory here is that both male and female homosexuals tend to have a higher than usual percentage of sinister people (i.e. "leftys"). Nevertheless, it cites many of the same articles as does Fairchild. has an article on homosexuality by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D. that concentrates on different parts of the brain. In particular, he discusses sexual differences in the amygdala.

I obviously could spend weeks on this, so will leave it at that.

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