Thursday, July 21, 2005

Club Gitmo Club Gitmo

Many have now heard of "Club Gitmo". The first I heard of it was on Rush. He pushes it, and you can see it showing up in blogs now. His justification is that the conditions down there are really fairly nice, considering the circumstances. Good food, respect for their religion, good chance for exercise for the minimum security detainees, etc. Indeed, it appears to be somewhat better conditions than we provide at most of our prisons. And, most notably, because of the good diet and healthcare, the detainees who have been released have been on average 14 lbs. heavier than when they arrived, and in much better health.

So, to some extent, I would suggest that the reason for the Club Gitmo meme is to highlight that conditions there are really significantly better than the detainees were facing before joining. In short, their time there can potentially be seen as vacations at Club Gitmo.

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